Day 4
Ok start with a prayer request update.Yesterday I told you that David Clarke hadn’t been very well. Well this morning we discovered that our prayers have been answered, he is now much better than he was. His temperature has gone and the only worry the doctor has is that his blood pressure is still quite low. So thank you very much for all your prayers, and please keep praying that his blood pressure would rise and he would be 100% really soon. When we told the kids at breakfast they all cheered and clapped. It was so sweet.
They continued to be sweet as they became the shepherds flock in the lost sheep parable- beautifully told by Judith Clarke. The talk was on the father heart of God. She told us how God knows everything about us and really cares what happens to us. That if we are hurt it hurts God too. Happily David felt well enough to sit with us and we were all very glad to see him up and about- ish. We also got to sing our Russian songs again. The actions however meant that in the sweltering, humid weather we had the sweat running off us- nice.The weather meant that we were all desperate to get off to the sea, which had an interesting twist today- waves. Now this normally doesn’t make much difference to most people, but when you are only a few feet tall as some of the youngest kids are, one of those waves can go right over you with ease. Many of them we clinging on to arms or necks of the adults as the big waves came, but they loved it. Lunch was soup (as normal- It’s always some kind of soup with lunch) and then chopped cabbage and carrot with chicken.
Today was the day that our sponsors will want to hear about- we gave out the camp t-shirts. These are lovely white t-shirts with a logo of a person on and the words Ukraine 2006. They are really nice t-shirts and there were enough for all of the children and all of the adults at the camp as well.
We started by lining them all up from smallest...
to biggest...
in one long line along the play ground. Once each person had their t-shirt we all went and changed into them and gathered for photos. I think those with digital cameras managed to take about 20 photos each!! The kids were thrilled and they all looked so cute all matching.

Oh yeah, us adults all looked cute too :)
They continued to be sweet as they became the shepherds flock in the lost sheep parable- beautifully told by Judith Clarke. The talk was on the father heart of God. She told us how God knows everything about us and really cares what happens to us. That if we are hurt it hurts God too. Happily David felt well enough to sit with us and we were all very glad to see him up and about- ish. We also got to sing our Russian songs again. The actions however meant that in the sweltering, humid weather we had the sweat running off us- nice.The weather meant that we were all desperate to get off to the sea, which had an interesting twist today- waves. Now this normally doesn’t make much difference to most people, but when you are only a few feet tall as some of the youngest kids are, one of those waves can go right over you with ease. Many of them we clinging on to arms or necks of the adults as the big waves came, but they loved it. Lunch was soup (as normal- It’s always some kind of soup with lunch) and then chopped cabbage and carrot with chicken.
Today was the day that our sponsors will want to hear about- we gave out the camp t-shirts. These are lovely white t-shirts with a logo of a person on and the words Ukraine 2006. They are really nice t-shirts and there were enough for all of the children and all of the adults at the camp as well.
We started by lining them all up from smallest...

Oh yeah, us adults all looked cute too :)

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