Trip information
What is the trip about?
This mission is part of Global Action's 'Touch the world' program. We will be going to the Hope Centre in southern Ukraine for two weeks.The Hope Centre is an old pioneers camp which Global Action managed to buy. Now each summer a series of two week camps are run at the centre for orphaned and disadvantatged kids between the ages of 6 and 16. Our camp is the last camp of the summer- camp 5.
Global action is a christian organisation so as well as providing a holiday for the kids we will also be sharing the gospel with them.
Where are we going?

To get there the team are all meeting up in London where we will then fly to Kiev which is the capital of Ukraine. From Kiev we will take an over night train right down to the bottom of the country. It is then a minibus ride to Kerch and the Hope Camp.
Who is going
The international team going on this trip includes:UK- London
Simon James-Morse
Ruth James-Morse
Kirsty Buchanan
Tim Clarke
Judith Clarke
Sarah Clarke
David Clarke
Timothy Waitt
Rachel Waitt
Olusola Dada
UK- Manchester
Emma Forbes
UK- Northern Ireland
Cherith Rodgers
Emily Petheram
Kristine McMillan
Carolyn Chambers
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