Sunday, August 20, 2006

Day 10

Day… well I‘m not really sure... well today is the last day of camp (big sniff) so it muct be day 10 already.
Today the international team got a lay in!!! We were so excited. Our day started with devotions at 7:20 rather than 7- a whole twenty minutes extra in bed. The other change to the morning was that there were no morning exercises. Instead the first activity was breakfast- we had the cake with chocolate sauce and condensed milk on, and a slice of salami each.
The bible lesson was taken by Rachel and Timothy and was titled ‘A New Creation’. We went all futuristic with a ‘new creation machine’. Put one thing in and a new creation comes out the other end. At the end of the bible lesson the international team went around and prayed with all the kids. I think we managed to pray for all the kids, their helpers and counsellors as well. The kids then went on to pray in their wards and the international team pounced on the interpreters. This was a powerful time with God speaking prophecies and giving pictures to each one of the interpreters. Interestingly some of them are not Christian so I’d imagine they found it a bit strange, however seeds have been planted through the camps and we really pray that God will work through them and show himself o them soon. Please keep them in your prayers.

The closing ceremony was… long. We ended up being over an hour late for dinner. However it was fun as well. Simon and Naomi (yes that is Naomi under all that hair- her own hair I should add) lead it and between them they worked through all the things that happened at camp. So we had the interpreters doing a skit on the joys of the beach. The councillors and helpers told us what bedtime was like in the different wards (it was hilarious). Some of the kids from the orphanage did a couple of drama/dance routines. Impressively Simon managed to improvise the music for these dramatic moments on the spot with instructions stretching as far as “Play something slow” and “Get quicker”. It was impressive, Simon wasn’t bad either!
Some of the kids from Kerch had their parents come along (as did the mother of our girl from Irkutsk in Russia). The joy of the camp and just the general atmosphere really seemed to work in them, just as it had in the kids throughout the camp. One mother was in tears. Isn’t it amazing what God can do through silly sketches.


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